The LEDGE HILL STUDIO DOWNTOWN features paintings of abstract and representational work from the region.

Around 2016, I found not only my birth name Polly Payment but also my dreams were dashed when child of rape was spoken. So, adopted parents are gone, brother, sister in law and daughter, whoosh.
Whoosh turned into splat after a road trip to Bend Oregon and the California trees. My husband, Pete and I found more folks liked ART and we brought the spirit back with us.
Opening LHSD on a whim.

POLLY PAYMENT, Poco In Blue, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 22″ x 28″.

POLLY PAYMENT, Danbe Sunrise, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 4″ x 12″.

POLLY PAYMENT, Green on the Garden, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 20″ x 20″.

POLLY PAYMENT, Happy, 2023. Acrylic on canvas, 18″ x 22″.

POLLY PAYMENT, Rulf, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 22″ x 28″.

PATRICIA REYNOLDS, Lilacs in Spring, 0000. Watercolor on rice paper, 22″ x 30″.
“I paint feelings, dreams, visions — the beautiful atmosphere of or Universe is my vehicle for expression. If I touch the viewer, then I speak to him in the Unity of Mankind — If I have touched myself, I have taken a giant step in life’s near insurmountable task: The Universal Search — “Who Am I?”
Patricia Reynolds watercolors of the North Country Region — its landscapes and flora — and paintings created in far corners of the world have received many National Honors Awards including The Salmagundi Club Grumbacher Gold Medal and Watercolor Society.

PATRICIA REYNOLDS, Apple Valley watercolor on paper, 0000. Watercolor on paper, 22″ x 30″.
I primarily paint with oils out in the landscape then refer to this work back in the studio.

DENNON WALUTRUS, ADK Camp 2022. Oil on canvas, 9″ x 14″.

DENNON WALUNTRUS, Walk in the Woods, 2023. Oil on canvas, 18″ x 24″.
In my en plein air painting, I am pursuing a personal connection to the landscape by working from observation. Painting on a small scale requires every brush stroke to be relevant when seeing the work as a whole image. This immediate way of working directly reflects the intimate connection when experiencing the landscape. When choosing my subject to paint, I look for a particular space that can act as a vehicle for capturing the light and mood of the particular environment. These smaller works sometimes offer themselves as the source material to create a larger work, expanding in physicality of the mark and immersion of the viewer into the landscape.
Retired from marketing and design Robert represents his talent now creating contemplative plein air oil paintings of quieting Adirondack views. Robert lives on the Willsboro Point Road. He is with that an avid member and supporter of CATS Trail System in the Northern Adirondacks.

ROBERT POWELL, Sunrise, 2023. Oil on canvas, 14″ x 20″.

ROBERT POWELL, Sunrise II, 2022. Oil on canvas, 14″ x 16″.

DEBRA KAHLER, On the Bay, 2023. Oil on canvas, 16″ x 20″.
I have been making art for more than 25 years with a focus on oil painting and printmaking. While creating a variety of images to include landscapes, lake-views, still-life, abstract/assemblage, I explore the creative process and continually learn to speak in a visual language. Many of my paintings are inspired by the beauty of the Adirondack Coastal Region of the Champlain Valley. I enjoy local activities such as cycling, hiking and kayaking which bring me closer to nature and I find myself in awe of this region. My hope is to capture the beauty of the mountains, lakes and valleys in my paintings.

DEBRA KAHLER, Marcy Dam, 2023. Oil on board, 8″ x 10″.

CHERYL RAYWOOD, Midnight, 2022. Primitive hooked rug, 21″ x 27″.
‘I like to think of the ways in which time folds back on itself and also the way this humble craft is so suited to a mountain lifestyle.
I love the idea of making the familiar new again and often re- interpret historical works into what I love that then becomes ‘post modern primitive’.

CHERYL RAYWOOD, Ocean Coral, 2021. Primitive hooked rug, 20″ x 23″.
Ginger Lambert is an artist from Middlebury VT and owns the Gallery of Reclaimed Art in Middlebury. She is showing reclaimed boxes and small wall art of this time and is in the upcoming Art Explosion Show as a featured artist bringing in her larger wall pieces made with the same glittery brilliance exhibited in her very small creations of reclaimed upcycled little things put together in new and enthusiastic ways.

Surface is a film of conscious.
My abstraction in my religion.
Art is my biology.
Alison Weld – NY -abstract colorfilled energy apparent 5 x 7 and 8 x 14
She has exhibited her art at universities and galleries across the country and has a NYC gallery. It is a rare treat to have a beautiful showing of her most recent works small enough to fit in our petite gallery.